Informing interested parties about significant environmental aspects of the company

Via 3L is certified by ISO 14001, ISO 22000 andISO 9001 standards. Therefore we have high service quality and operational standrads that meet our key account customer requests, stakeholder’s and partner’s interests.
Informing interested parties about the significant environmental aspects of a company covers the following areas

Company administration and infrastructure management

  • Facilities – heating, cooling, lighting, cleaning, pest control (release of harmful substances into the environment); 
  • machinery, equipment, means of communication, computer hardware, office supplies, etc. (air and soil pollution, release of waste into the environment);
  • transport – emissions from transport vehicles, traffic accidents (air and soil pollution);
  • paper document management (reduction of paper waste, saving of natural resources);
  • electricity consumption (energy saving);
  • heat energy consumption (read more about the NEXTGENERATIONEU energy saving project, reduction of air pollution);
  • air pollution in the event of fire in buildings, machinery and equipment;
  • hazardous waste: chemical residues, batteries, accumulators, contaminated packaging, contaminated absorbent and soil, etc. (release of hazardous waste into the environment, air and soil pollution);
  • daily waste: incl. paper and cardboard waste and packaging films, other household office waste (release of waste into the environment, air and soil pollution);
  • electronic waste (release of waste into the environment, air and soil pollution).

Positive aspects

  • Separate collection, recycling and recovery of batteries and accumulators;
  • separate collection, recycling and recovery of waste paper and paperboard and packaging film;
  • separate collection, recycling and reuse of electronic waste.

In order to reduce our environmental impact, it is important to communicate these important aspects primarily to the customer of our service as a user of our service and one of the parties to the impact.

We inform our service customers  about significant environmental aspects through agreements and the public on the company‘s website.